Keep Swindon Tidy poster making
Can you design a poster to encourage us all to Keep Swindon Tidy?
Litter is a big problem in Swindon, as it is around the UK. It negatively impacts our physical and mental health and is hazardous to wildlife.
What can we do to reduce litter?
Signs are one way to reduce litter, helping create healthy new norms. Hence we decided to organise a poster making collaboration and have been working on it with local communities and parish councils. Some of the posters will be displayed on signposts in public areas. All of them are displayed in our gallery. Please, get involved in transforming our town!
Entries can address any aspects of litter, such as avoiding single use plastic, reusable masks, safety for wildlife, taking litter home, using bins... Entries could relate to the whole of Swindon or just to a particular area; for example: Keep our Town Centre tidy or Keep Haydon Wick tidy.
Co-operation makes it happen!
This isn't a competition, it’s about co-operation. All entries will be displayed with the name and age of the artist in our online gallery. Posters are available for residents, community groups and schools to download, print off and display, to encourage us all to help keep our neighbourhoods looking lovely.
How to enter
Please send entries to **javascript protected email address**, including the entrant's:
- Name
- Age
- Parish
- School or organisation (optional)
Please keep the original in case your entry is chosen to be displayed on a signpost. This is an ongoing proect, so there's no planned closing date yet..
Credit to artists will be given where possible when printed, but all entrants accept that their design may be reproduced without credit upon emailing it to the given address. Entries can also be removed at **javascript protected email address**, if required. Please contact us with any questions.
Draw the change that you want to see in the world...
We look forward to seeing your inspiring and imaginative designs!
Visit the gallery
See our litter pick section for further info on our efforts to deal with litter in Swindon.